Advanced HMI with
Resistance Welding Track & Track Package

T. J. Snow Company’s advanced HMI provides the “personal device feel” we have grown accustomed to in everyday life applied to a weld control operator interface. The unit includes user friendly setup, navigation and quality control features. Additionally, machine manuals, work direction, drawings and optional operator training video(s) can be easily retrieved and displayed on-screen.

When a fault occurs you receive a visual indication along with a description of what the fault means and suggestion on how to fix it. There is also no need for an external weld control pendant as long as your weld control of your choice offers a Windows or web based software interface option.

hmi home screen

Features :

  • Adjust all welding and machine setup parameters directly from the HMI screen
  • Displays & monitors Current, Conductance, Force, Stack Up, Set Down & Water Flow from the HMI
  • Bar Code Scanner for selecting recipes & Part Traceability
  • Data log for storing all of the monitored parameters with a time, data & bar code
  • Operator friendly style interface
  • Ability to view wiring and pneumatic diagrams
  • Update programming of weld control directly from HMI
  • Quality control graphs
  • Custom fault screen with pictures and descriptions of errors to help operators identify problems faster
  • Ability to record and store operator training video(s)

Weld Controls Currently Supported :

Contact our Service Department for additional information about this product.
