Industrial Water Chillers

Properly cool your industrial process with a water chiller system

We offer the most diverse stock of water chillers to cool your industrial process. With over 25 years of experience in the chiller industry, Industrial Water Chiller (a division of T. J. Snow Company) is the name you can trust!

ipc cube water chiller

1/2 Ton - 50 Ton Industrial Water Chillers in Stock!

industrial water chiller

What is an Industrial Water Chiller?

Industrial water chillers are used for controlled cooling of products, mechanisms and machinery in a variety of industries. An industrial chiller system removes heat from the process water and transfers it to air via a heat exchanger. Using the refrigeration cycle, water chillers are able to cool the water to below ambient temperature. Water chiller capacities are measured in tons (BTU/hr) of cooling.

inside of water chiller

How Does a Water Chiller Work?

Water is drawn from the tank, pumped through the chiller and back to the tank. An adjustable thermostat senses the liquid temperature, cycling the chiller to maintain a constant temperature in the tank. The water flows from the chiller to the application’s point of use and back.

Having a contaminant free “closed loop” system will increase your chiller’s efficiency and lengthen its life cycle. A closed-loop industrial chiller recirculates a clean coolant or clean water with condition addititives at a constant temperature and pressure to increase the consistent and repeatable variables.

chiller applications

What is a Chiller Used For?

Water chillers are used in a variety of industrial applications. Our chillers are the ideal solution to your cooling your spot welder system and other machinery. Some of the industries water chillers are used for include:

  • Metal Forming, Resistance Welding Machinery, Presses, Rolling Mills, Extruders
  • Chemical & Pharmaceutical, Medical, MRI, X-Ray
  • HVAC, OEM, Construction, Power Generation, Textile
  • Food & Drink, Breweries, Distilleries, Wineries, Bakeries
chiller group

What Size Water Chiller Do I Need?

How do I size a water chiller? How much does it take to cool my industrial process?

T. J. Snow can help you find the correct size water chiller for your industrial application by using the link below.


Why Should I Invest in a Water Chiller?

Water chillers offer several benefits and advantages including a significant cost savings of water and energy. 
  • Save valuable resources, time & money!
  • Improve productivity and reduce downtime of machinery
  • Protect your machinery and equipment
  • Reduce maintenance and operating costs
  • Conserve water and energy
  • Eliminate water monitoring and associated costs
Brands of Water Chillers We Represent

T. J. Snow represents a variety of water chiller manufacturers that provide quality, trusted products. Click on a brand below to learn more.

ipc logo

Industrial Process Cooling

Versatile line of industrial water chillers for a wide range of applications. Half-ton to 200 plus ton chillers available. IPC brings over 40 years of experience selling industrial water chillers and is a trusted source for these important but often overlooked process components.

Nordic Chiller

An all-new line of industrial water chillers for process cooling applications!

koolant koolers logo

Koolant Koolers

Koolant Koolers is a manufacturer of industrial-grade water chillers from standard small 1/8 ton units to over 500 tons.

The Koolant Koolers chiller is best known for its trusted standard and custom cooling solutions for the machine tool, food processing and packaging, and medical diagnostic imaging markets.

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CTA Chillers

CTA provides industrial process chillers from 1/2 to 105 tons.

CTA chillers, developed specifically for users, meet the needs of the climate industry in terms of precise temperature control and absolute reliability, whatever their use or location.

unitrol logo

Unitrol Chillers

Unitrol builds ‘Automotive Grade’ process water chillers from 1/3 to 50 tons.

Unitrol has since 1971 only manufactured “AUTOMOTIVE GRADE” chillers which come complete with features that are extra cost or not available on their line of “commercial grade” chillers.

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Schreiber Chillers

Dimplex’s Schreiber product line has been discontinued and is available under the Koolant Kooler brand.
