ENTRON offers quality resistance Weld Controls backed by a full two-year warranty. Multiple cabinet styles are available with front or side mounted control panels.
*NEW* EN6001 (Normally stocked at TJ SNOW) . Replaces the Entron 1000 and 1001 in many applications. Field upgrade kits available. | EN6001 & Retrofit Upgrade Spec Sheet |
*NEW* EN7000 & EN7000-TS More features than the EN6001 and offers cascade models. | EN7000Spec Sheet |
EN6021 | EN6021 Spec Sheet |
EN6041 Cascade | EN6041Spec Sheet |
EN1000 (Normally stocked at TJ SNOW, Discontinued 1/4/2021) | EN1000 Spec Sheet |
EN1000 Cascade (Discontinued. Replaced by the EN7000 series.) | EN1000 Cascade Spec Sheet |
EN1000 Multiple | EN1000 Multiple Spec Sheet |
EN1001 (Constant Current) (Being phased out and replaced by the EN6001) | EN1001 Spec Sheet |
EN1500 (Obsolete) |
EN1500 Spec Sheet (Obsolete) |
EN50 (Obsolete and replaced by the EN6001) |
EN50 Spec Sheet (Obsolete) |
iPAK 2 MFDC Inverter Control (Normally stocked at TJ SNOW) | iPak2 Spec Sheet |
iPAK MFDC Inverter Control (Normally stocked at TJ SNOW) | iPak Spec Sheet |
EN1701 Spec Sheet (Obsolete; replaced by iPAK) |
A microprocessor based solid state welding control for both new and retrofit applications.
You can download an Adobe PDF version of the manual for the EN1000 control (as well as other resistance welding products) for free from T. J. Snow.
Entron offers several options for networking Entron resistance welding controls, including their Windows based Enlink software.
Keep from having to upgrade your power service when you add more welders! Use this solid state interlock controller to keep too many welders from firing at one time, preventing you from browning out the neighborhood with your resistance welders!