Flash/Anneal Welding Controls
The EN1280 Series Control is a microprocessor based resistance welding control. This control has been designed specifically for Flash Welding, Upset Welding, and Anneal applications. The EN1280 can store weld sequence parameters in each of 50 unique schedules. Weld schedule parameters are held in non-volatile memory for storage. The EN1280 control is simple to program and operate.
- Store up to 50 UNIQUE SCHEDULES
Every parameter of each schedule individually accessible
Each schedule can store 11 distinct and totally different parameters
All schedules retained in memory with power off
It is NOT NECESSARY to program functions not required
- Single contactor circuitry; Process control outputs
- Additional Standard Features:
Contactor Failed Detection
Power & Weld Indication Lamps
- Control can be INTERFACED with external Programmable Logic Control (PLC); Advanced interfaces available
- Meets or exceeds RWMA/NEMA standards
- Replaces ENA150 & ENA300
- Provides the same functionality as the ENA150 and ENA300 controls.
- Designed Specifically for Flash/Annealing Applications
- Simple to Program
- Push buttons and a three-step procedure make easy work of programming any welding schedule.
- Direct Reading Digital Data Display
- Two Year Warranty
- A two year warranty is offered on all ENTRON parts and assemblies.
- Expert phone support and application service are available at no cost.
- 50 Unique Weld Schedules
- Standard with 150 and 300A Air Cooled Contactors
- Error Code Display
- Compact, Lightweight Air Cooled Cabinet
- Flash Weld Sequence Initiation
- Individual Upset Time and Upset Percent Current
- Anneal Initiation Input
- Power and Weld Indication Lamps
- Single Phase Operation
- Dynamic Automatic Power Factor Equalization
- External Emergency Stop Inputs
- Manual Current Adjustment
- Optional Program Lockout Switch
- Easy to Install and Operate
- Program Only Necessary Parameters
- Unique Annealing Sequence
Absolute Count:
Push Button Data Entry with Display
- Weld Time: Beat Operation (Initiation – FS3 to GND)
- Upset Time: 0 to 99 cycles (Initiation – FS3 to GND)
- Anneal 1 and Anneal 2 Time: 1 to 99 seconds (Initiation – FS7 to GND)
- Anneal 1 and Anneal 2: Beat Operation (Initiation – FS7 to GND)
- Heat Count: 0 to 5 cycles (Impulses are based on Anneal Time)
- Cool Count: 0 to 5 cycles (Impulses are based on Anneal Time)
- Digital Phase Shift Current Control, 10 to 99% in 1% current steps, all weld current functions
- It is NOT necessary to program functions NOT required, program only functions required
Additional Features
- Individual Upset Time and Upset Percent Current
- Flash Weld Sequence Initiation
- Anneal Initiation Input
- Error Code/Fault Outputs
- 87⁰ First Half Cycle Delayed Firing, Anti-Saturation Circuit
- Dynamic Automatic Power Factor Equalization
- Dynamic Automatic Voltage Compensation, +20% of Nominal Line
- Emergency Stop Circuit
- Single Stage Pilot Beat/Non-Beat Operation
- Operational Lights: Power On & Weld Current
- Indicator Lights for all Functions on Display Panel
- Available with both 150 and 300A Air Cooled Contactors, with Temperature Limit Switch standard
- Manual Current Adjustment allows full range of current adjustment made in Anneal 1 and Anneal 2 or during weld time