Multiple Schedule/Multiple Sequence Controls
The EN1000 Series Bench Control is ideal for programming schedules for welding coated materials, aluminum, other non-ferrous metals, special alloys, multiple thickness of materials and many special part configurations.
- Store up to 50 UNIQUE SCHEDULES
- Every parameter of each schedule individually accessible
- Each schedule can store 11 distinct and totally different parameters
- All schedules retained in memory with power off
- It is NOT NECESSARY to program functions not required
- Four Cycle Modes can be programmed for complex welding schedules
- Single valve output circuitry
- Single contactor circuitry
- Process control outputs
- Additional Standard Features:
- External Schedule Select
- Contactor Failed Detection
- Control can be INTERFACED with external Programmable Logic Control (PLC); Advanced interfaces available
Absolute Count:
Push Button Data Entry with Display
- Squeeze Count: 0 to 99 cyc, 50/60 Hz
- Weld Count/Heat Count: 0 to 99 cyc, 50/60 Hz
- Cool Count: 0 to 99 cyc, 50/60 Hz
- Hold Count: 0 to 99 cyc, 50/60 Hz
- Off Count: 0 to 99 cyc, 50/60 Hz
- Weld Impulse Counter: 1 to 99 Impluses
- Slope Control/Up and Down Slope: 0 to 99 cyc, 50/60 Hz
- Digital Phase Shift Current Control, 10 to 99% in 1% current steps, all weld current functions
- It is NOT necessary to program functions NOT required, program only functions required
Standard RWMA/NEMA Programmable Functions
Including the following as examples:
- Up Slope and Down Slope
- Quench/Temper
- Pulsation Sequence
- Multi-Weld Count/Multi-Current Select
- Pre-Heat/Post-Heat
- Seam Weld (Continuous and Intermittent)
4 Cycle Modes
- Non-Repeat: Single Schedule upon initiation
- Repeat: Single Schedule repeated with pilot circuit held closed
- Successive: Upon each initiation, unique successive schedules are automatically selected
- Chained: Multiple schedules can be linked to operate sequentially upon a single initation
Additional Features
- Error Code/Fault Outputs
- 87⁰ First Half Cycle Delayed Firing, Anti-Saturation Circuit
- Dynamic Automatic power Factor Equalization
- Dynamic Automatic Voltage Compensation, +20% of Nominal Line
- Single 1/2 Cycle Weld Selection
- Polarity Reverse Switch
- Single Stage Pilot/2 Stage Pilot, Beat/Non-Beat Operation
- Operational Lights:
Indicator Lights for all functions on display panel
- Single Valve Output Standard: 115V or 230V (Without Transformer)
- Weld – No-Weld Switch
- Voltage: 230/460, 50/60 Hz (115, 380, 575V, Optional)