Things Every New Spot Welding Operator Should Know

Things Spot Weld Operator Should Know
Things Every New Spot Welding Operator Should Know Although resistance welding has been widely used in manufacturing for decades, the process is not well understood outside of the automotive industry. Unlike arc welding, which produces a bead that can be checked visually, successful resistance welding hinges on understanding the...

Weld Cycle Terms & Definitions

Man spot welding a part
Weld Cycle Terms & Definitions There are many programmable settings in a resistance weld cycle. Here we will briefly look at some of these settings: What is Squeeze Time? Squeeze time is a programmable delay timer in the weld schedule needed to allows electrodes to travel, contact the material...

Condensation Kills Resistance Welders: Case Study

condensation in welder
Condensation Kills Resistance Welders: Case Study Condensation on a cold glass of Coke is a good thing, but internal condensation caused by cooling your resistance welder with water chilled to a temperature below the prevailing Dew Point can cause serious damage to the welder’s transformer and control. Case History...

Why Are Water Tubes So Important?

electrode holders with water tubes
Q: Why are those little copper tubes installed in the resistance spot welding electrode holders we purchase? They’re fragile and our spot welding machine operators often throw them away when they get bent. A: Problems commonly observed during our company’s service calls at customers’ plants indicate that the proper...

Spot Welding Safety Tips

Spot Welding Safety Tips
Spot Welding Safety Spot welding safety is among one of the main priorities of T. J. Snow Company. While spot welding machines are widely used in sheet metal shop and are generally safe machines, several safety concerns should be considered. These safety concerns include: Pinch point hazards between the...

How to Improve Spot Weld Performance

slimline spot welder
How to Improve Spot Welding Performance 1) Get proper training on the resistance spot welding process. Spot welding appears deceptively simple, but numerous process variables must be understood and controlled. With many different settings available on the typical spot-welding machine, it’s important to understand how to adjust each setting...

How to Improve Spot Welding Performance

man spot welding
1) Get trained on the Resistance Spot Welding process. Spot welding appears deceptively simple, but numerous process variables must be understood and controlled. With many different settings available on the typical spot-welding machine, it’s important to understand how to adjust each setting for optimum results. And, just like baking...
