ZIRCONIUM-COPPER, suited to welding aluminum and magnesium alloys, coated materials, brass and bronze.
Class 1 alloy is superior to pure copper as an electrode material and is recommended as a general purpose material for resistance welding use. It may be used for spot welding electrodes, seam welding wheels and welding fixture components. It is not heat treatable.
TUFFALOY 77 CHROMIUM-COPPER, suited to welding cold- and hot-rolled steels, stainless steel, and low-conductivity brasses and bronzes.
Class 2 alloy is a superior resistance welding electrode material, recommended for high-production operations. It is used for welding electrodes, projection welding electrodes, seam welding shafts and bearings, flash and butt welding electrodes, and current-carrying structural components. Available in forms for use as welding gun arms, welding platens and secondary-circuit structural members. It is heat treatable.
TUFFALOY Z ZIRCONIUM-CHROMIUM-COPPER is suited to welding galvanized steel and other metallic-coated steel.
This is a specially heat-treated alloy which meets the minimum electrical conductivity and hardness specifications of Class 2 alloy.
BERYLLIUM-NICKEL-COPPER (55) are suited to welding steels having high electrical resistance, such as stainless steel.
NICKEL-COPPER (55A) is a beryllium-free alloy with properties similar to TUFFALOY 55.
Class 3 alloy is recommended for projection welding electrodes, and flash and butt welding electrodes. With its higher strength it is also used on highly-stressed current-carrying parts such as electrode shanks and heavy-duty electrode holders. It is heat treatable.
BERYLLIUM-COPPER has extremely high hardness, and is recommended for projection, flash and butt welding electrodes. It has lower conductivity than Class 3 alloy but it is harder and more wear resistant. It should be considered where there is concern with high pressure density and severe wear, but where heating, due to its low conductivity, is not excessive.
It is used frequently in the form of inserts, tooling facings, and seam welder bushings. It is available in the annealed condition which is more readily machined and then subsequently heat treated.