TUFFALOY straight ejecting holders deliver dependable, first class performance. They are designed with maximum simplicity to require minimum maintenance.
All TUFFALOY straight ejector holders now feature exclusive spring-loaded self-adjusting water tubes to ensure the proper flow of coolant through resistance welding electrodes. The larger ejector holders incorporate bigger fittings for higher coolant flow rates.
Goldcrown premium holders are made of extra-strength Class 2 alloy and are ground and polished to yield greatest conductivity.
TUFFALOY straight non-ejector holders are now equipped with the same springloaded self-adjusting water tubes as the Goldcrown ejector unit, so electrode cooling is facilitated and improved. They are low in initial cost and inexpensive to maintain. Simple design and few parts contribute to low maintenance cost and excellent performance. Holders are heavy-duty and built to withstand very high welding rates.
Goldspot premium holders have barrels of Class 2 alloy, ground and polished for best conductivity.
TUFFALOY Nickel Plated Ejector Holders feature high conductivity copper with nickel plated surfaces for corrosion resistance and superior conductivity. These holders also feature adjustable water tubes to insure proper water flow for all electrodes.
TUFFALOY Close-Coupled Holders are for use where welding space is limited. Standard body length is 3 inches. Other lengths are made on request; minimum length 2 inches.